Hi Jonathon,
Two deal with both zip formats, you'll need to add some tests to the
mergefields in word. There are two ways you could approach this:
.. copy the existing mergefield and make two copies of it, thus:
«ZipCode» «ZipCode» «ZipCode»
.. select the second field and press Ctrl-F9 to embed it in another field,
«ZipCode» { «ZipCode» } «ZipCode»
.. do the same with the third field, thus:
«ZipCode» { «ZipCode» } { «ZipCode» }
.. select all of these fields and press Ctrl-F9 again, to embed the lot in
another field, thus:
{ «ZipCode» { «ZipCode» } { «ZipCode» } }
.. within these fields, input the text as indicated:
.. select all of these fields and press Ctrl-F9 again, to embed the lot in
another field, thus:
{IF«ZipCode»> 9999 {=«ZipCode» \# "00000'-'00000"} {=«ZipCode» \# 00000} }
.. copy the existing mergefield and make two copies of it, thus:
«ZipCode» «ZipCode» «ZipCode»
.. select all of these fields and press Ctrl-F9 again, to embed the lot in
another field, thus:
{ «ZipCode» «ZipCode» «ZipCode» }
.. select the second field and press Shift-F9 to expose its coding, thus:
{ «ZipCode» { MERGEFIELD ZipCode} «ZipCode» }
.. do the same with the third field, thus:
{ «ZipCode» { MERGEFIELD ZipCode} { MERGEFIELD ZipCode } }
.. within these fields, input the text as indicated:
{IF«ZipCode»> 9999 { MERGEFIELD ZipCode \# "00000'-'00000"} { MERGEFIELD
ZipCode \# 00000} }
In both cases, you need to be careful to maintain the spacing indicated