Putting a line in a Bar Graph



guys i can create bar graphs and line graphs easily. But my problem i
being able to show the Average or GOAL as a line within the bar graph
This would be very helpful to show those who are fall below or above
certain point. Guys can you PLEASE HELP!!


Guys i couldn't get either one of the above links to work in OfficeXP.

With the first one by Andy Pope, he didn't describe how to turn th
second series into a line.

I got the closest with this one
But he doesn't do a great job when it comes to adding a named formul
to a chart. he has examples but they can't be read because of the poo
resolution. Can someone tell me how to add a named formular to a char
once the formula has been created and named? I tried putting in
='meanLine' and ="meanLine" and also =meanLine. And neither of the

The following like a
describes how to add line using another series however when i make th
second series another chart type such as a line, it doesn't char
right. If i choose Scatter type, i get a blank chart (all gray). If
choose line for the second series, i get the pervious chart (a ba
graph) with a line in the legend but no line in the actually drawing.

Can someone help me with either one of these? I prefer the last two

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