In this group W. eWatson wrote in message
Is it possible to put a link like, so that I can click
on it to open my browser. I have such a link for a different site,
and I see Ctrl-click appears to be the way to do this. It doesn't
work for me though. I dragged this link in from a web site.
In Word, there are two settings that may be useful to you.
First, at Tools > AutoCorrect Options, on the AutoFormat As You Type tab, in
the section named "Replace as you type", there's a checkbox labelled
"Internet and network and paths with hyperlinks". If this is ticked, then,
whenever you type something that Word interprets as a web address, Word will
automatically turn it into a hyperlink. Let's say that this box is ticked
and you type, say, Word displays your text in the document And the link will go to
Second, at Insert > Hyperlink you can create a hyperlink explicitly. Here
you can distinguish the text that appears in the document (e.g. "click here
to go to Microsoft's site") and the address to which the link will go (e.g.