Putting a text box in exactly the same place on a different page



Hi. I have to put the same text box in the same spot (half
way up the page) on every page of a fairly long document,
and I was wondering if there was a quicker way of doing
this than pasting it and then fiddling around with the
Any suggestions welcome.

Greg Maxey


You could use a text box anchored in the header of the document. This will
result in a slightly faded look on screen, but if your finally product is
for print this might work.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

This will work only if the text in the text box is to be the same on every
page. Otherwise, pasting and fiddling seems to be the only way (note the
exact position of one text box on the Layout: Advanced tab of Format Text
Box and replicate the settings for the other).

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
Word MVP FAQ site: http://www.mvps.org/word
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.


Thank you - I had a feeling you'd say that, but I thought
I'd check. I have dim memories of an application where if
you held down the Ctrl key when you pasted it would put it
in the same spot. Probably some ancient graphics
Thanks for your help


Hi Carol,

One way of achieving this would be to set the position of one text box
exactly where you want it, via Format|Text Box|Layout, then select each of
the others in turn (or together) and press F4 to repeat the positioning.
Alternatively, you could select the lot and position them all at once the
same way.



Of course! (smacks forehead)
thank you
-----Original Message-----
Hi Carol,

One way of achieving this would be to set the position of one text box
exactly where you want it, via Format|Text Box|Layout, then select each of
the others in turn (or together) and press F4 to repeat the positioning.
Alternatively, you could select the lot and position them all at once the
same way.



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