Putting a word into a cell.



I would like to put a word into a cell depending on the value in another


Cell A1=399
Cell B1=401
Cell C1=400

Cell D1= Pass or fail

So if C1 is within or equal to A1 and B1 I would like D1 to say Pass.

If C1 is outside the range of A1 and B1 I would like D1 to say Fail.

Also if its Pass I would like it to be Green text and Fail to be Red

Thanks in advance


Bob Umlas

also select D1 and use Format/Conditional Formatting, and change the 2nd
dropdown to be "equal to", and type the word "pass" (no quotes) into the 3rd
box, click Format, click the Font tab, choose a green font, then click OK&
then the Add>> button, repeat for fail & red font.
Bob Umlas
Excel MVP

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