Putting Discussion Group Into Exisiting Web



I am using FP 2000 and I have a site at www.streetsmartinvesting.net. I
would like to put a discussion group into this site (getting rid of the
third-party stuff) - how do I do this? I have found the Discussion Group
Wizard, but it creates an entirely new web. Do I have to host TWO sites or
can I intergrate a discussion group into my exisiting web?

HELP!!!! Thanks.



In my opinion, you would be much better off with a third party discussion
group. The MS one has minimal versatility, its hard to delete posts, it gets
corrupted very easily and is something MS needs to improve in the next
version of FP

Stefan B Rusynko

If your host supports subwebs under the FP SE (check w/ them first) then you would create the DW as a subweb - say

Probably best to create the subweb first
Open the site in FP at http://www.streetsmartinvesting.net
Create a folder (say forum) under the root and right click it to convert to web
(or use Tools Server Admin to create the subweb, if allowed by your host)
Double click the new subweb to open it in FP and then create the new DW web (in current web)
Make your links to / from the DW subweb home page to / from your root web

|I am using FP 2000 and I have a site at www.streetsmartinvesting.net. I
| would like to put a discussion group into this site (getting rid of the
| third-party stuff) - how do I do this? I have found the Discussion Group
| Wizard, but it creates an entirely new web. Do I have to host TWO sites or
| can I intergrate a discussion group into my exisiting web?
| HELP!!!! Thanks.
| Kelly

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