Putting text on a background?



I'm still muddling along with this, trying things, making up booklets and
cards, and figuring them out (which I can do okay in Publisher,(2000) but
then have to coordinate with my printer settings). Frustrating at times, I
look up and 3-4 hours has gone by. But, I realize, even with the frustrating
and figuring out I LOVE DOING THIS! (I must be nuts, huh? (LOL)
Same with doing tutorials and learning Photoshop. Not enough free time in
the day (and night)

Today, I've been setting up and printing a birthday card, more of a booklet
for an almost 5 year old grandson. Putting personal pictures and printed
words in it.

Trying to get the best size and paper (cardstock is kind of heavy for
several pages, and printer paper the colors show through to the other side)
Don't have much time or way to look for other kinds of paper, and I want to
mail it tomorrow. Right now going with the cardstock, that I had been making
bookmarks out of.

The question I have, involves the cover page, I used a pastel birthday
theme background picture on it. Is there a way to wrote words right ON this?
Without making a text box, which leaves a white square with the words on it?
I tried making the words on a transparent background, in Paint Shop Pro, but
when I inserted it on the background it still showed a white box. I tried
things like bringing the background "to the back" and that didn't work. I've
been learning things as I come to them, by looking it up, asking, trying to
firgure it out, but I'm stuck on this one. In Photoshop I've been learning
about layers, but Publisher doesn't seem to have this.

As I write this, I'm thinking I could make the entire front page pictures
(background and words I want directly on it) in a paint program and then
bring this into Publisher. But, since I'm already here and asking about it,
maybe I can find out about writing directly on it in Publisher to start.

Another thing, when I use Word Art in Publisher, I can't find anything in
the formatting of it to make it colored. Just font, size, shapes, (for the
text to go) I know when using Word Art in WORD it also includes colors, some
are rainbow colored, some various colors. In Publisher all I can see is
black (and the shapes to pick to make the text change into) The text box to
type it in doesn't seem to have any color settings.

Is it something right in front of me I'm missing?

Wouldn't be the first time. I ask HELP and the Office Assistant but don't
have good luck in getting answers. Maybe I don't ask it right.


Ed Bennett

Carrie said:
The question I have, involves the cover page, I used a pastel
birthday theme background picture on it. Is there a way to wrote
words right ON this? Without making a text box, which leaves a white
square with the words on it?

Create a text box. Set the fill colour of the text box to No Fill. Or
press Ctrl+T
In Publisher all I can see is black (and the shapes to pick
to make the text change into) The text box to type it in doesn't seem
to have any color settings.

The WordArt in Publisher 2000 is an older version to that in Word. It does
support colour, but I can't remember how to add it. Digging deep in my
memory, I seem to remember using the patterns option on the WordArt toolbar
to change the colour.

Publisher 2002 and later have the newer WordArt that we know and love.

JoAnn Paules [MSFT MVP]

You have to use a text box. I don't understand why you're getting a white
background tho - I don't. You can also try moving text front instead of
backgrounds back. ;-)


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]


Mary Sauer

The color option for WordArt is the third icon from the right. Attached is an image.
In Publisher 2000 all text boxes are white as a default, select the text box and use
ctrl+t or click the fill and select no fill. In any event white is not a color as far
as your printer is concerned.


Thanks (JoAnn and Ed) I posted this yesterday, from Outlook Express,
than when I went back couldn't find it again, even with SEARCH. Today I
put it on in google and found it.

There's so much I don't know about Publisher (and Photoshop, etc) I
never thought about looking for no fill. I've always gotten white in
the text box when I've clicked on A (for text) and drew a box to write
in. Otherwise, the text options don't come up.

What I ended up doing with the card/booklet I was making (pictures
and words for a 5 year old's birthday) was making the cover page in
Paint Shop Pro, putting the HAPPY BIRTHDAY (using "happy" font) right
on the background, saving it, and then inserting it in Publisher. I
could also do this with WordArt, too if I want to get colors.

I spent almost all day yesterday on this, trying it different ways
(sizes) and different kind of paper, what I had on hand, nothing really
perfect, but it's only a card for a 5 year old, not a paying customer.

I keep coming to this group and getting involved in reading the
posts and answers. There is so much good stuff here to learn.

Right now I think I need to learn about different kinds of paper,
weights, finishes and what works best for what.

~ Carrie


Carrie said:
I'm still muddling along with this, trying things, making up booklets and
cards, and figuring them out (which I can do okay in Publisher,(2000) but
then have to coordinate with my printer settings). Frustrating at times, I
look up and 3-4 hours has gone by. But, I realize, even with the frustrating
and figuring out I LOVE DOING THIS! (I must be nuts, huh? (LOL)
Same with doing tutorials and learning Photoshop. Not enough free time in
the day (and night)

Just wanted to say hi and tell you that I learned all my computer skills
by trial and error (many errors). I feel like you do and get so involved
with my work on the computer that hours fly by.


Hi Erika,

Thanks for the hello and hugs.

Does this (all the time, trial and error, asking, figuring out, learning)
ever work out in the long run?

It's not like there's anything else I'd rather be doing, but so far it
seems like time just goes by and I never get to the point of actually doing
something, like jobs, business, etc. There's always something else to learn,
and sometimes seems like technology (and programs) are always one step ahead
of me.

I feel like such an old dog learning new tricks.

But then, when I do figure something out or know the answer to something I
realize I am and have been learning something.

Just can't see where it might be going. Maybe just the "doing what you
love" part of it is enough for now? And it's not like I'm putting making
money first, I realize what I really enjoy is doing things that others
enjoy, if that makes sense. Like if I put wings on someone's baby (something
I've been learning on my own) or turn their photo into a sketch, and they
seem so please and happy with it. Or, if someone sees a photo I took (and
maybe did something with to turn into art) and they feel something from it.
Not just how many megapixels and how expensive the camera is (LOL) (I have a
5-6 year old Epson 750z I bought used on ebay last winter, better than what
I had (epson 650, without zoom) but not new and expensive). Someone once
asked me to print out sayings on index cards for her, and sent me the cards
and $20 and I enjoyed doing it (making someone happy) AND the idea of
getting paid. I also sent someone some of the bookmarks I was making, just
to show (and said they were practice) and she sent me $5 when she wrote
again. Said she knew it was just practice, but she'd have bought them
herself, if she saw them in a store.

My point, I like the idea of doing things people are happy and feel good
about (including me), and it would be that much nicer if I could get paid
for it, too. One thing I've noticed, if I feel I have an actual JOB to do,
like I have to do it, and satisfy a paying customer, I don't feel so good
about it. I don't know that that leads to, maybe making note cards or
booklets (pictures and positive sayings?) and offering them for sale, AFTER
they are made. Or putting them online and asking for donations if anyone
uses them or feels they're worth it. I have a block about being good enough
to do something for a fee?

So, I just go on day after day, doing what I love and feel good about. I
once read a joke about "you know when you're addicted to computers when.."
and one was when you find yourself in bed at night, reading a book about
WORD. I realized last night, I was in bed (long after I should have gone to
sleep) reading a book (that also has Word) about Publisher. And not wanting
to stop and go to bed. I love the idea of putting something together, making
photos into art, and then into cards or booklets (bookmarks seem good, too,
but not sure how it is for making money. Unless a lot of money is put into
them, plastic lamenating, etc)

I also currently don't have a good printer for doing actual "jobs".

~ Carrie

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