Puzzling broken hyperlinks




I did the on-line course with hyperlinks + felt quite pleased as I thought
I’d understood it well!

I went to my own website and looked to see if I had any broken hyperlinks. I
had 47 and I can’t understand why. I deleted some of my interactive buttons
which had relative hyperlinks but I still have loads of broken hyperlinks
listed in the reports.

The interactive button with an absolute link to an external webpage works
fine in preview mode but the others to link/take me to other pages within the
same website don’t. Are they meant to work in preview or just when they are
published to a server?

I checked my hyperlink links/page names to check that I hadn’t missed a
letter out but I hadn’t.

I’m puzzled as to where I’m going wrong and I’d be grateful if someone could
advise me (in simple terms where possible cos I’m newish to frontpage!).



Steve Easton

You need to "Preview in Browser" to check your links, because links don't always work in
Preview mode
There's a fix for that here: http://www.95isalive.com/fixes/index.htm
top of the page.

Also, when you check for broken hyperlinks, you need to check each. Links to some sites
will show as broken, because the server will not respond to the command used to check the

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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