PWA 2003 & WIN XP SP2 Problem-Tasks DIsappear



Old PC-PWA 2003 & Win XP SP1 - no problem.
New PC-PWA 2003 & Win XP SP2 - problem: Log in
successfully. Click on Tasks. Receive TimeSheet with all
Tasks. Click on View Options. Click on From date to get
Calendar, suddenly Timesheet and all Tasks disappear.
Timesheet appears to shrink to the size of half a cell.
Same thing happens when clicking on any part of the
timesheet grid. So, it's not just Date related.
Uninstalled/reinstalled PWA-not fixed. Added
Projectserver to Trusted Sites-not fixed. All IE settings
are set to enable/allow-not fixed. Instructed by company
support to install MDAC 2.8, but MDAC 2.8 does not
install on Win XP SP2-per message from install program,
MDAC components are already part of verion of Windows on
box. Read all threads, found no solution. Any guidance
would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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