PWA 2007: Lost status reports



We have resources that have submitted status reports that do not show up on
the status report request page. The dates for the reports appear, but the
reports only show as question mark icons. The publishing queue is clear.
Has anyone seen this issue before? If so, how was it solved? Thanks in
advance for any help on this problem.


The Question mark icon on Status Reports indicates that its missing responces
from resources or resource. I would say someone did not Send but Saved their

Project Consultant

REJ Company

(e-mail address removed)


An email confirmation was received saying the status report had been sent,
and still it did not appear. If the person had only saved the status
locally, the email confirmation wouldn't have been sent. It doesn't make
sense to attribute it to user error when these same users submitted their
status reports without error for the previous three weeks in a row prior to
this one.

How can we continue to troubleshoot this problem? Thanks.


So you are getting e-mails after the Status Report has been sent to you?
You select View Responces the current date or range and see Resource names
and all of them have a ? icon instead of a note icon correct for the
resources who submitted?

Does this happen on all Requests or just the one?

Enter a new request and looking to see if the same results occur.

You need to narrow down the issue to either a global problem or iscolated

Project Consultant

REJ Company

(e-mail address removed)


I created a test request, and so did a few other users. Emails are being
received but no new status reports have appeared in the list since last week.
We tried clearing temp internet files and cookies and also made sure that
the site had been added to the Trusted Sites security list so all (safe)
ActiveX controls could be enabled. This is happening with only one user, who
is in the Project Manager group.


Do you have SP1 installed for Project Server?
The only thing I can think of is this is a bug.
Double check there settings and make sure his permissions are correct and
nothing is out of the ordinary for this PM.

Project Consultant

REJ Company

(e-mail address removed)


Hi Robert -

I work with Adrienne.

SP1 is installed.

We will check the permissions and settings to make sure.


Andy S

I am having the same problem. Project Server 2007, SP1, Infra Update,
and people are submitting status reports that do not show up on the
requester's PWA page. I have even looked at the database and see that
the missing reports are showing up with a submitted date. However,
does anyone know what the numbers in the SR_RESP_SUBMIT_STATUS column
mean? They are located in the MSP_SR_RESPONSES table of the Published
database. They appear to be a number 1, 2, 3, or 4.


Hello Robert,

I checked the permissions for the user in question and they are fine. This
person is a member of the Administrator and Project Managers group.

Could this issue have anything to do with internet settings or anything like
that. The user visited another country on business and when they came home
they could not receive e-mail nor could they view any internal sites to our
company. They have also had to reinstall Java. It has also been since then
that the problems have started with the status reports but no one else in the
project experiences the same problem.

On the week of 10/17, she received half of the status reports – 4 out of 8.
For the week of 10/24, she did not receive any. The issue seems to random to
attribute it to the Infrastructure Update so I'm wondering if some local
setting may have been changed and caused the issue.

I know it seems far fetched but I'm desperately trying to put 2 and 2
together to solve this one.

Thanks to anyone who can contribute and help out with this mystery.


Rick North

Hi there,

We are experiencing the same issue but ours started after we added a new
employee to the status report request. Since then, all the status reports
sent show up as missing even though the email notifications to the manager
say they have been submitted.

We've added other people to the report request over the last few weeks and
its never given issues.

It's rather puzzling.


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