PWA 2007 - Status Reports


Jason Keller

Has anyone had this issue with Status Reports, if so please help

Whenever a Resource Manager addd a new resource to a Status Report, they no
longer can receive the updated reports from their resources. They do
receive the
email notification stating that they have a new response but when they go
into PWA to open the report, the receive a message stating a report hasn't
been submitted.

Dale Howard [MVP]

Jason --

This is a reported bug in Project Server 2007. Assuming you have applied
SP1 already and the problem persists, we can only assume it wasn't fixed in
SP1, and will perhaps be fixed in the next Service Pack or Hotfix. Hope
this helps.

Jason Keller

That is very helpful --- Thanks Dale!

Dale Howard said:
Jason --

This is a reported bug in Project Server 2007. Assuming you have applied
SP1 already and the problem persists, we can only assume it wasn't fixed in
SP1, and will perhaps be fixed in the next Service Pack or Hotfix. Hope
this helps.

Ian Lowe

Does anyone know if this problem has been fixed or there is a workaround?
Ian Lowe

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