PWA OLAP Query - slow, over 2 hours sometimes


cassandra rice

I use PWA Portfolio Analyzer quite often, it's the tool we use for our staff
utilization charts. I can refresh back up to to PA without too many
complaints, but if I try to change a field (add or remove a resource or
project) it's taking almost 2 hours sometimes. Our IT department can't fix
it, they say that we might have to go back to the company that built the
cube info (or something along those lines). The project server sits on one
server, PWA on another and I think the cube info might be somewhere else, if
that makes sense. I am a BA, so I really don't know the ends and outs, I
just know that trying to do these charts and Portfolio Analyzer taking 2 or
more hours to update, seems crazy?? Any ideas



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