Hi, im trying to find out why lots of my Queue's are failing.
Get the following msg's in Application Log:
Event Type: Error
Event Source: Office SharePoint Server
Event Category: Project Server Queue
Event ID: 7704
Date: 2009/01/19
Time: 12:50:58 PM
User: N/A
Computer: Server1
Standard Information
SI Entry Point:
Project User: Domain\User
Correlation Id: edb1d5c9-9911-4241-a1a0-e9383e842715
PWA Site URL: http://intranet/PWA
SSP Name: SharedServices1
PSError: GeneralQueueJobFailed (26000)
A queue job has failed. This is a general error logged by the Project Server
Queue everytime a job fails - for effective troubleshooting use this error
message with other more specific error messages (if any), the Operations
guide (which documents more details about queued jobs) and the trace log
(which could provide more detailed context). More information about the
failed job follows. GUID of the failed job:
d06b0dbf-1d6a-45e1-9e90-9d1326fcbbaf. Name of the computer that processed
this job:Server1 (to debug further, you need to look at the trace log from
this computer). Failed job type: TimesheetUpdate. Failed sub-job type:
UpdateTimesheetExceptionsMessage. Failed sub-job ID: 1. Stage where sub-job
failed: (this is useful when one sub-job has more than one logical
processing stages).
Under the Queue's i get the following error:
Error summary/areas:
Error details:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<array name="Array" type="System.Guid">
<item value="36116f8c-b4e6-4df3-ae9e-dfaaa0815bab">
<error id="10101" name="CICOAlreadyCheckedOutToYou"
uid="31883135-c316-4bc0-8746-f4193f04ce2b" />
<class name="Queue">
<error id="26000" name="GeneralQueueJobFailed"
JobUID="d06b0dbf-1d6a-45e1-9e90-9d1326fcbbaf" ComputerName="Server1"
GroupType="TimesheetUpdate" MessageType="UpdateTimesheetExceptionsMessage"
MessageId="1" Stage="" />
Any ideas where to start looking?
Get the following msg's in Application Log:
Event Type: Error
Event Source: Office SharePoint Server
Event Category: Project Server Queue
Event ID: 7704
Date: 2009/01/19
Time: 12:50:58 PM
User: N/A
Computer: Server1
Standard Information
Project User: Domain\User
Correlation Id: edb1d5c9-9911-4241-a1a0-e9383e842715
PWA Site URL: http://intranet/PWA
SSP Name: SharedServices1
PSError: GeneralQueueJobFailed (26000)
A queue job has failed. This is a general error logged by the Project Server
Queue everytime a job fails - for effective troubleshooting use this error
message with other more specific error messages (if any), the Operations
guide (which documents more details about queued jobs) and the trace log
(which could provide more detailed context). More information about the
failed job follows. GUID of the failed job:
d06b0dbf-1d6a-45e1-9e90-9d1326fcbbaf. Name of the computer that processed
this job:Server1 (to debug further, you need to look at the trace log from
this computer). Failed job type: TimesheetUpdate. Failed sub-job type:
UpdateTimesheetExceptionsMessage. Failed sub-job ID: 1. Stage where sub-job
failed: (this is useful when one sub-job has more than one logical
processing stages).
Under the Queue's i get the following error:
Error summary/areas:
Error details:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<array name="Array" type="System.Guid">
<item value="36116f8c-b4e6-4df3-ae9e-dfaaa0815bab">
<error id="10101" name="CICOAlreadyCheckedOutToYou"
uid="31883135-c316-4bc0-8746-f4193f04ce2b" />
<class name="Queue">
<error id="26000" name="GeneralQueueJobFailed"
JobUID="d06b0dbf-1d6a-45e1-9e90-9d1326fcbbaf" ComputerName="Server1"
GroupType="TimesheetUpdate" MessageType="UpdateTimesheetExceptionsMessage"
MessageId="1" Stage="" />
Any ideas where to start looking?