PWA Shared Documents read/write access



Using MSP2003ENT,

I currently have a bunch of documents, guides, spreadsheets saved on the
Share Drive. Is there a way to set permissions between PM's, Team members,
Admin as far as R/W?
Right now if I (admin) open a document on the share drive it states in the
title (Read Only) even though I can make changes and save. Also, is there a
setting were only one user can have a document open as R/W and if another
user tries to open the same document it state "checked out" file is read only?

Jonathan Sofer

Is your question around SharePoint document storage or a shared drive
storage. The latter is not directly related to Project Server so will
probably not be addressable in this newsgroup. If you are referring to
SharePoint, however, let us know.



Forgive my ignorance; I didn't setup the share drive. Is there a way for
me to identify what I am using (SharePoint Doc Storage or Share Drive
Storage)? If I goto where my share docs are stored, along the top of the
page there are Site tabs for ( Home, Documents & Lists, Create, Site Settings
and Help.) In case your wondering, under site settings there is no option
for checking out docs.

Jonathan Sofer


From what you described, you are most likely using PS 2003 with SharePoint
(or WSS) 2.0

BTW, "Site Settings" tab is for administering the site features and not for
checking out documents.

To check out a document you can hit the dropdown list that appears to the
right of the document name as you hover your mouse over the document name
and choose the "Check out" option. That way others will see that it is
checked out to you when they attempt to open the document and will not allow
them to edit it. When you finish editing the document and close it, you
will be prompted to either check in, keep checked out, or discard changes
and check back in. That gives you the choice to check in and save changes
or discard changes and revert to last checked-in state.

Users gain access to SharePoint sites based on their permissions in project
server. They are added to any one of the following 4 security groups in
SharePoint automatically when their accounts are synchronized with WSS
(SharePoint) or when the site itself is synchronized. The definition of how
they are added to these groups is in the group description.

* Project Managers (Microsoft Office Project Server) - Users who have
published this project or who have Save Project permission in Microsoft
Office Project Server.
* Readers (Microsoft Office Project Server) - Users who have View Project
Documents, Issues and Risks permission in Microsoft Office Project Server.
* Team members (Microsoft Office Project Server) - Users who have
assignments in this project in Microsoft Office Project Server.
* Web Administrators (Microsoft Office Project Server) - Users who have
Manage Windows SharePoint Team Services permission in Microsoft Office
Project Server.

Security can be manually manipulated by adding specific users to other
security groups within SharePoint under "Site Settings>Go to Site
Administration>Manage site groups". "Contributor" is an example group you
can manually manage membership to. Or you can create your own custom
security groups within SharePoint with custom permissions. All this is
manually done by and administrator and membership to these custom security
groups is manual and can become tedious.

Also, security rights can only be modified as low as the Document Library
level. Document Libraries contain folders and documents. You cannot
control individual access to specific folders or documents within a document
library in WSS 2.0. If you want special access to certain documents, you
will need to create a whole separate document library from the "Documents
and Lists" tab. Once in your new doc library you can change permissions
under "Modify settings and columns>Change permissions for this document

This is not the case in WSS 3.0 where you can now control access down to the
document level.

Mark E. Read

Extending the discussion a little bit, if you wanted to use the built in
synchronization between PWA and SharePoint, and wanted to add a new set of
users with read write permissions to a single site (wss 2.0, EPM 2003), which
would be more effective: adding each user to the resource pool of that
project (and assigning them work) and republishing, or giving the group (in
this case, Team Leads) the Save Project permission and synchronizing? The
former seems labor intensive and the latter seems overly broad.


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