Joel P.
My users have many projects and tasks. For some, after cleaning up the view
by collapsing some projects, the PWA Tasks view expands and displays all
tasks when they click "Save Changes" or "Update All".
I recently added the ID field to the PWA Timesheet View (Admin, Customize
Views) and added the ID field to "Customize Published Fields" in MS-Project
Professional and did a Republish All. This seems to have made the problem
worse, as now all the users have this problematic behavior, where the PWA
Tasks "expand" when they click "Save Changes" or "Update All". Undoing this
change doesn't help.
Is there a way to make the PWA Tasks view retain collapsed projects/tasks on
Any guidance is most deeply appreciated.
Joel P.
by collapsing some projects, the PWA Tasks view expands and displays all
tasks when they click "Save Changes" or "Update All".
I recently added the ID field to the PWA Timesheet View (Admin, Customize
Views) and added the ID field to "Customize Published Fields" in MS-Project
Professional and did a Republish All. This seems to have made the problem
worse, as now all the users have this problematic behavior, where the PWA
Tasks "expand" when they click "Save Changes" or "Update All". Undoing this
change doesn't help.
Is there a way to make the PWA Tasks view retain collapsed projects/tasks on
Any guidance is most deeply appreciated.
Joel P.