PWA timesheets



Is it possible to have PWA delete tasks from teh timesheet after they have
been completed (it is quite annoying to have 50 million tasks in the
timesheet; especially when all but one or two of the tasks have been
completed (or even DELETED)...also, is it possible to keep tasks from showing
up in a timesheet if the predecessor tasks have NOT been completed? we
would like for tasks to show up ONLY as the other predecessor tasks have been
completed; and we would like those completed (or DELETED) tasks to disappear
from the timesheet (WITHOUT having to HIDE each task)...any help regarding
this would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!


Jonathan Sofer

You need to train your users to make their view the Current Tasks view as
apposed to All Tasks view. The definition of current task is anything that
is not complete or due to start X days in the future. The setting for what
X is is in the Administration page of PWA.

As for hiding tasks in which predecessors have not been completed. If the
project managers are accepting the udpates for ongoing tasks into their plan
including updates to remaining work and the successor relationship is set up
correctly then this should push out the future tasks and if the user has
Current Tasks view, then they should only see what they are working on or
due to start in the near future.

I think it is more about making sure the plans are set up and being updated
correctly by the PMs along with the TMs using the Current Tasks view.




Thank you! I really appreciate your help! Another question: In the Admin
of PWA, where do I look to change the "X" factor...Thanks again!


Jonathan Sofer

You are welcome and the setting is found in PWA under "Admin>Customize
Project Web Access>Tracking settings" at the bottom of the screen under
"Define current tasks"



what about DELETED tasks? they still show up in the "Current Tasks" view,
even though, the resource has been removed from the task(s) or the task
itself has been removed from the project there anything (other
than HIDING) that can be done to get rid of them?

Thanks again!


One gotcha on only showing Current Tasks is that resources MUST keep
remaining work accurate because if they put in the allotted work but aren't
finished and don't update the remaining work, the task will be marked
complete and fall off the timesheet (they can update it by going to All Tasks
and changing the remaining work).
Here is an article to get rid of cancelled tasks: Documents/deletecancelledtasks.htm.
You didn't mention which version you're using. This article is only for 2003.
I'm not sure what to do for 2007.

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