PWA Updates ASP Timeout



We have had an issue for awhile now that has recently been brought to my
attention where users intermittently receive an ASP timeout message after
clicking the Updates link from PWA. The message returned is:

Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0113'
Script timed out
The maximum amount of time for a script to execute was exceeded. You can
change this limit by specifying a new value for the property
Server.ScriptTimeout or by changing the value in the IIS administration

And it is coupled with the following IIS log entry snippet:

GET /isd/Transactions/TaskTransactions.asp
_oid=-1|-|ASP_0113|Script_timed_out ... 500 0 0

The timeout is not related to the number of updates in queue, since my
personal Updates page returns the same timeout message with zero pending
updates. I've monitored SQL Profiler while the issue was occuring and the
problem seems to exist when there are many updates for larger projects being
processed in the system. I can't tell if it is the Update process itself
(where the project is being updated and saved) or if it's the Views
Notification Service processing the published plans.

Also, the SQL Server process attempting to load the Updates page seems to
enter a "blocking itself" state with a PAGEIOLATCH_SH waittype executing the
MSP_WEB_SP_QRY_GetMaxMinActualPeriodForTrans stored proc.

Increasing the IIS ASP timeout value does not help.

Microsoft Project Server 2003 SP2 distributed over 3 Windows Server 2003 SP2
(Web, DB, Views Notification)
SQL Server 2000 SP4

During non-peak times, the Updates page can return the grid in a few
seconds, but certain transactions make just that page unloadable. Does
anyone have experience with this or suggestions I can attempt?


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