Q: "expanding text"?




I'm using Word 2000 and I have informational text that I
want to add, but hide unless the user clicks a button (or
hyperlink) and the text "expands" to show that
information. The user can then click it again, and it's
hidden (hopefully that's clear).

Some knowledge base articles do this: you click on some
text and the document expands to show some additional
infomation pertinent to that text.

Can I do this in Word?

Thank you,


Word doesn't really support this. You can sort of do it using a macro button
field: when the button is clicked the macro toggles the Hidden property of
the associated text.


I had thought about that, it doesn't quite work the way I
want it to. But that seems to be the best option.


Helmut Weber

Hi Mark,
sample coding of what Jezebel suggested,
which you have to adapt to your needs.
It hides or shows paragraphs 7 to 9
in a simple document. Not regarding different storyranges
headers, footers, and whatsoever.
Sub ToggleHiddenText
Dim i as integer
ActiveWindow.View.ShowHiddenText = True
With ActiveDocument.Paragraphs
For i = 7 To 9
.Item(i).Range.Font.Hidden = _
Not .Item(i).Range.Font.Hidden
End With
ActiveWindow.View.ShowHiddenText = False
End Sub

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