Q: finding a field's lookup string




I have some fields in a table that have lookups on them.

How do I
1. detect which fields these are when looking at the table in VB
2. get the lookup string, and/or
3. get the 2nd field/value in the lookup (I know it will always be the 2nd
value (FK) I am interested in).

I was assuming its a field property but cannot seem to find it...


Marshall Barton

A said:
I have some fields in a table that have lookups on them.

How do I
1. detect which fields these are when looking at the table in VB
2. get the lookup string, and/or
3. get the 2nd field/value in the lookup (I know it will always be the 2nd
value (FK) I am interested in).

I was assuming its a field property but cannot seem to find it...

Since it's an Access custom defined property, it's not
available directly through DAO. Here's a sequence that will
tell you what type of display the field uses:

Set db = CurrentDb
With .TableDefs!tablename.Fields
If !fieldname.Properties!DisplayControl = 111 Then
' field uses a combo box display
End If
End With
Set db = Nothing

For a lookup field, you can also get its related properties:

If the RowSourceType is "Value List", the RowSource will be
the list of values, which you can parse to find the desired

Note: You should use error handling to guard against the
situation where some or all of these properties do not


Hi Marshall

Thanks for the reply, thats exactly what I was after. To assist others I
have some observations

1. Your code had a small bug, its if fieldname.Properties!DisplayControl =
111 , without the "!" <not>
2. Properties!DisplayControl crashes on some field types, so far I have
found dates and memo fields dont work.
The rough fix I have is simply to put On Error Resume Next on the
previous line, but there is probably a list somewhere on the internet of
what field types (fld.Type) wont work and those could be excluded from
executing the line
3. The list of DisplayConstants I found was:

109 = text box
110 = list box
111 = combo box

Thanks again Marshall


Marshall Barton

1. You're right, there was something wrong. But, it was
missing the db on the With statement, the ! before fieldname
is needed:

With db.TableDefs!tablename.Fields
If !fieldname.Properties!DisplayControl = 111 Then

2. I warned you about using error handling for fields that
don't use a combo box display.

3. I think that's all there are. Those numbers are the
same as the control type VBA constants acTextBox, acListBox
and acComboBox.
MVP [MS Access]

A said:
Thanks for the reply, thats exactly what I was after. To assist others I
have some observations

1. Your code had a small bug, its if fieldname.Properties!DisplayControl =
111 , without the "!" <not>
2. Properties!DisplayControl crashes on some field types, so far I have
found dates and memo fields dont work.
The rough fix I have is simply to put On Error Resume Next on the
previous line, but there is probably a list somewhere on the internet of
what field types (fld.Type) wont work and those could be excluded from
executing the line
3. The list of DisplayConstants I found was:

109 = text box
110 = list box
111 = combo box

Thanks again Marshall


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