Q: how to create summary daily lists from another, and reverse



Column A contains a list of strings, under the heading "thing". Next
to each string, Column B contains blanks or an "x", with a date as a
heading. In another worksheet, I want to create a list of all the
values in Column A which have an "x" next to them in Column B. How can
I do this?

View the following in fixed-with font.

For example, if this is my first table:

thing 1/28/2006 1/29/2006
rock x
scissors x
frog x x
grumpy x
doctor x
notebook x
power x x

I want my second table to look like:

1/28/2006 1/29/2006
rock scissors
frog frog
doctor grumpy
power notebook

And so on, for each day.

And for mondo extra bonus points, propose a way to do this in reverse.
That is, to put an "x" under the appropriate date column in the same
row (in table 1) as the things listed in table 2.

Much thanks-
Peter Keller

Herbert Seidenberg

Or you can use Advanced Filter for the second table.
Check: Copy to another location
Database= header + thing
Criteria= blank header + =OFFSET(thing,,n)="x" for n={1,2}
Then replace result headers with dates.

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