Q: How to let vistor download all photos in photo gallery?




I have created a photo gallery with many photos. I would like to create a
link / button so that a visitor can just click that link / button and ALL the
photos in the gallery can automatically be downloaded at once.
Can this be done in FrontPage? Could someone help please?


Stefan B Rusynko

Put them all in a Zip file w/ a link to the zip file

| Hi,
| I have created a photo gallery with many photos. I would like to create a
| link / button so that a visitor can just click that link / button and ALL the
| photos in the gallery can automatically be downloaded at once.
| Can this be done in FrontPage? Could someone help please?
| Thanks.
| Tony


and i preferr putting that link in between <Download></Download>tags so
that you dont have to open a new window for downloading

Bob Lehmann

<Download></Download>tags ???

Bob Lehmann

shror said:
and i preferr putting that link in between <Download></Download>tags so
that you dont have to open a new window for downloading

P@tty Ayers

LOL... never heard of those, myself..

Patty Ayers | www.WebDevBiz.com
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