Q re numbering using Styles and Formatting



I don't think this is possible but I'm going to ask anyway!

I have Word 2003 and I'm formatting an exam document with specific numbering
requirements. I would like to be able to set up a Numbering Style/heirarchy
to look like this:

1 (a) How many sides in a rectangle?
(b) How many sides in a triangle?
(i) What is the name of a triangle with bla?
(ii) Why is the bla bla?
(c) How many bla bla?

Is this possible? I have looked at Word and it looks almost possible with
Outline Numbering but it seems like I would need to place "(a)" on the next
line below "1" (I am not permitted to set out the document this way).

I am currently forced to set tabs for much of this document and this is
unsatisfactory as I'm expecting many more similar documents to format!

I hope someone can help prevent some extra work for me... :) Thanks

Stefan Blom

You can set up an outline-numbered list (as described at
http://www.shaunakelly.com/word/numbering/OutlineNumbering.hmtl) and then
use a LISTNUM field to insert a second number within a paragraph (such as
"(a)" in your example).

To insert the LISTNUM, you can use Insert | Field; be sure to specify the
level but no name for the list.

Alternatively, you can add the LISTNUM field manually: Press Ctrl+F9. Word
inserts field delimiters, { }. Type LISTNUM \l 2 between the delimiters, and
press F9 to show the result.

Note that you can create more LISTNUM fields via copy and paste. To change
the numbering level of an existing field, you can right-click it and choose
Increase Indent or Decrease Indent from the context menu. To show/hide field
codes in a document, use Alt+F9.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message
news:D[email protected]...

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