Quarterly date format?



Is it possible to display only a quarter or even a month in a date field? My
project have very long timelines and the granularity is quarterly. I'm
already showing year/quaters in the gnatt chart but I would like to be able
to enter the same info in my tables. Thanks.

Mike Glen

Hi Jim,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

Sorry. no. Project needs the exact date and time to set the Start date of
each task. If you want to be that coarse in your planning, then use the
first day of the appropriate quarter.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: http://project.mvps.org/faqs.htm

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP
See http://tinyurl.com/2xbhc for my free Project Tutorials


Why not give duration in months in the duration column. You may change the
unit of duration to months with Tools > Options > Schedule > Duration is
entered in months.

Quarter option is not there for duration.

I hope it helps.



JimM said:
Is it possible to display only a quarter or even a month in a date field? My
project have very long timelines and the granularity is quarterly. I'm
already showing year/quaters in the gnatt chart but I would like to be able
to enter the same info in my tables. Thanks.

You could add a formula to convert the project dates into quarters in a
spare text field if you wanted.


Thanks for the info and the suggestions. I'll try them and see how things

- Jim

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