Quattro Pro and Excel 2007



I am trying to open some Quattro Pro (wb3) files in Excel 2007...
On the Microsoft Office Online site, File formats that are supported in
Excel article, it says for both wb1 and wb3 files: "You can open Quattro Pro
files in Excel by using a converter. You cannot save an Excel file to Quattro
Pro format." The question is what converter? I installed Office 2007 with all
the converters that came with it but when I try to open the wb3 file, Excel
simply says "incorrect format" and will not open the file. Can someone let me
know where I might get the Office 2007 converter referred to in the Office
Online article? (I might also need to open some wq1 files but I guess I will
meet that challenge when I come to it)...
Many thanks, as always, Boris.

Jim Rech

The article you saw referred to older versions of Excel. Excel 2007 cannot
open any QP file or any 1-2-3 file for that matter.


Thanks Jim. Not the answer I was hoping for but sort of as expected...
Best wishes, Boris.

Harlan Grove

Jim Rech said:
I should have added though that you can download the free Open
Office spreadsheet program which can open QP files (I'm pretty
sure<g>) and save as XLS.

Unfortunately (but complimentarily at least to Excel 2003 and prior),
OpenOffice only shows .WB2 (QP6) files in its Open dialog.


Dear Harlan, dear Jim,
Thanks to both of you for your helpful suggestions. Perhaps Microsoft will,
at some stage, offer conversions for the various competitor spreadsheet
formats - at least to be ble to open them in Office 2007... In the mean time,
I guess I will have to reinstall office 2003 and convert my old wb2 files at
Thanks again and best wishes, Boris.

Jim Rech

Perhaps Microsoft will, at some stage, offer conversions for the various
No way, Boris. Sorry but MS has been steadily _removing_ support for QP and
1-2-3 for many versions. I think it's part of their victory dance.

| Dear Harlan, dear Jim,
| Thanks to both of you for your helpful suggestions. Perhaps Microsoft
| at some stage, offer conversions for the various competitor spreadsheet
| formats - at least to be ble to open them in Office 2007... In the mean
| I guess I will have to reinstall office 2003 and convert my old wb2 files
| least...
| Thanks again and best wishes, Boris.
| "Harlan Grove" wrote:
| > >I should have added though that you can download the free Open
| > >Office spreadsheet program which can open QP files (I'm pretty
| > >sure<g>) and save as XLS.
| > ....
| >
| > Unfortunately (but complimentarily at least to Excel 2003 and prior),
| > OpenOffice only shows .WB2 (QP6) files in its Open dialog.
| >
| >

Harlan Grove

Boris said:
. . . Perhaps Microsoft will,
at some stage, offer conversions for the various competitor spreadsheet
formats - at least to be ble to open them in Office 2007... In the mean
time, I guess I will have to reinstall office 2003 and convert my old wb2
files at least...

Microsoft is unlikely to provide converters ever again unless Excel loses
significant market share, and even if it were to Quattro Pro, QP's current
file format is .QPW rather than .WB1/.WB2/.WB3.

You'll also need to reinstall the .WB? converter along with Excel 2003.


Dear Harlan,
Thanks for the tip. Somewhere, I think I have an old laptop with Office XP
and the QPro converters... but perhaps I will just pretend I lost the old
QPro files in a fire or something!
Thanks again and best wishes, Boris.


As someone who is trying to convert Quattro Pro spreadsheets to Excel 2007,
this discussion is very confusing. Both the Excel 2007 help file and the MS
kb (http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP100141031033.aspx)
unequivocally state that "Quattro Pro version 5.0/7.0 for Windows. You can
open Quattro Pro files in Excel by using a converter. You cannot save an
Excel file to Quattro Pro format."

Either the info in this strand is wrong or MS is putting out false info.



It does say "... by using a converter ...". At the bottom of the
article it also states that file converters may be available from
other developers. MS do not claim that they supply a converter for
Quattro Pro.

(I am not in the habit of defending them - this is a first for me !! )



Hi Mitch - I understand your frustration! I tried using ConversionPlus to
convert old Quattro files but found this not to be very satisfactory as even
very simple formulae were converted to values and I was usually more
interested in seeing how my old woorkbooks were structured rather than
knowing the results... I have had to resort to a second (old) laptop which
has Correl Suite 9 on it - and am going also to install Quattro Pro fro Dos
on this as I have justy a few wq! files that I do not seem ever to have
converted! Lucky I still have the disks - and a floppy drive, for that matter!
Best wishes, Boris


If you have the old directory for Corel, just copy that to your new PC. The
Quattro Pro executable will start without being installed and you could
resave in a more compatible format.



Hi Dean,
Thanks for the suggestion. Too late for me but it may be a solution for
Thanks again and best wishes, Boris

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