queries again...



Hi again, same question as earlier,am not getting it.
L have created a menu form with command buttons.
EX: "Daily Attendance By Employee" When clicked 4
parameter queries ask: year? month? day? employee id?
The form for the specific employee for that date should
appear. It doesn't. A table type view of just those 4
records appears. I can set up steps for the form to
appear with all employees and scroll through them, but
want the specific.
Thanks again all

John Vinson

Hi again, same question as earlier,am not getting it.
L have created a menu form with command buttons.
EX: "Daily Attendance By Employee" When clicked 4
parameter queries ask: year? month? day? employee id?
The form for the specific employee for that date should
appear. It doesn't. A table type view of just those 4
records appears. I can set up steps for the form to
appear with all employees and scroll through them, but
want the specific.
Thanks again all

Answer again...

What is the Recordsource property of the Form?

Please open the Form in design view and post its Recordsource.

What are the steps of your macro?

Why do you feel that you need to open ANY parameter queries at all,
much less four of them???? That is not how Access is designed to work!
Instead, you would create a *single* query with four parameters, if I
understand what you're trying to accomplish; use that Query as the
recordsource property of your Form; and use an OpenForm action in your
macro to open the form based on the query.

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