Queries Again....



Sorry, its me again...
Received answer from Dan last evening to my problem.
Followed step by step. Same problem.
Form opens...its a blank screen no labels, nothing.
1. created query with 4 parameters.
2. created a form to dislpay results of 4 parameters.
recordsource is my query
3.macro: open form (form name)
Blank form screen appears...
I am open to suggestions please.

Jeff Boyce


I didn't see the earlier thread, so I'm not sure what you are trying to

A form that opens "blank" implies that it must be bound to an "empty"

A typical approach to using a form for parameters related to a query is not
in the same order you described.

1. Form is unbound, and has, let's say, 4 (unbound) controls.
2. Query uses parameters for criteria on those 4 fields ... and
"points" to the form (#1 above) to get the values to use.

Good luck

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

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