THank you for your reply(ies). I have tried all your suggestions and
still have the same problem. BTW, I cannot bring up the "hidden" dialog
to which you refer.
Just to be sure: are you saying that you never see a "Confirm Data Source"
dialog box? Or are you seeing that, but when you check "Show all," you are
not seeing a further dialog box? If it's the latter, don't expect a further
dialog box - checking the box merely causes the existing list to be
I have to say that it never fails here, unless perhaps Word is convinced
that the data source is a Word document or some such. In other words, I'd
regard /not/ seeing this dialog box as abnormal behaviour in Word as long as
you are checking the other box in Word Options. So it could be worth going
through some of the general troubleshooting procedures such as doing a
check/repair of your Office installation.
Another possibility is to connect using VBA, e.g. using something like the
following. Once you have connected, saved and closed your document, you
/should/ be able to reopen it without haveing to select the data source. But
probably not if your .mdb is on a network drive. See Graham Mayor's page for
info. on how to deal with macros:
Sub ConnectToAccessViaDDE()
' Put the pathname of your Access database here
Const strName = "c:\mydbs\mydb.mdb"
' Put the table or query name here, preceded by
' the word TABLE or QUERY as appropriate
Const strConnection = "QUERY Office Address List"
' Put the query you want here
' (this is the most basic exmaple)
Const strSQL = "SELECT * FROM [Office Address List]"
With ActiveDocument.MailMerge
' Close any existing source
.MainDocumentType = wdNotAMergeDocument
.OpenDataSource _
Name:=strName, _
connection:=strConnection, _
sqlstatement:=strSQL, _
End With
End Sub
How can MS allow that
aspect of Office functionality regress in a later version of the product?
That is a sin to the end-user community. I would think that by now MS
issue some kind of pathc to fix it. AFter all, there must be widw spread
of mail merge Word doucments with Access databases.
Well, I agree with you, but I do not work for Microsoft and nor do any of
the regular contributors here. While Microsoft had good reasons to
"deprecate" the old DDE connection method, in my view it is very unfortunate
that none of the newer methods was ever improved to the point where it could
do (more or less) what DDE could. And the same can be said for other aspects
of Mailmerge. But improvement has clearly not been a commercial priority for
some time.
Question: Is there a similar problem with mail merge documents in Office
2003? If not, maybe I should use Office '03 instead of Office '07?
It has been much the same since Word XP (2002). In your situation, you would
have to weigh up the pros and cons of "being up to date" rather than "being
able to do what you want". As I've said, you /should/ see these connection
options and perhaps some kind of repair to Word would fix that difficulty,
but if there is no other workaround (e.g. exporting the data from Access is
another possibility) that you can get to work, I guess Word 2007 simply
isn't going to do the job for you.
Peter Jamieson