Queries using data from a form




I know I asked a similar question earlier, but I didnt
really get an answer that I could use, so I try again.

I have a form where I enter a customer number to get a
report on that specific customer. This work great, but now
I want to be able to have a list box in my form, and
choose more than one customer at a time.




I need the answer to be fairly specific, since my VBA
knowledge is fairly limited.

[MVP] S. Clark

Since your self-proclaimed knowledge of VBA is limited, it is going to be
difficult to do anything except hand you the specific VBA code that you
need, and even then, it probably won't be 100%. But, the answer you need is
a multi-select listbox, and you'll need to terate through the ItemsSelected

Read the help file on the ItemsSelected property. Suffer through an example
or two. You'll be up in running in about an hour.


Steve Clark, Access MVP
FMS, Inc.
Professional Solutions Group
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