Dear C. Tate:
I can only respond to you regarding my own experience. I have seen
some web sites, quite a few. I have bought books. I have taught
myself a bit about queries. In fact, in my business, the main thing I
do is write the queries. I have others who create the forms and
reports, while I create tables and queries.
I'm not sure what "tone" I used except to answer your question
honestly and directly with all the information I have. I suppose
that, after having reveiwed both many web sites and many books, I have
come to a tentative conclusion that it is a better use of my time to
look through some books to find the training materials I will need
than to spend the time looking through some web sites. Web sites seem
to me to be good at giving tips and tricks, and newsgroups to getting
specific question answered. Neither web sites nor newsgroups are, for
me, an appropriate place to get comprehensive training. I would take
a class, or just get a book that could be described as an appropriate
text for such a class, and learn it there.
I am really saddened that your income does not permit this route for
you, a route that I have found to be most beneficial myself. Perhaps
you would have access to a good library and could still avail yourself
of the facilities I recommend. However, in my situation "time is
money" and I find that a bookstore is a better place to do research
because it takes much less time.
The learning process is very individual. I have tried to tell you
what works for me. Some people are classroom people, some are
book-worms (me) and some learn best from open discussion (like in a
newsgroup). You should customize your learning route to your own
preferences and needs, of course.
Tom Ellison
Microsoft Access MVP
Ellison Enterprises - Your One Stop IT Experts