


how can i write a query to find results that include any data with only part
of the data in a field? For example, I want to find all records with
customer name of smith, regardless of whether the record lists the name as
smith, bill or smith, william.

Dirk Goldgar

Stefan Hoffmann said:
Otherwise you may use the LIKE operator:

FROM yourTable
WHERE yourField LIKE 'Smith%'

This query can use an index on your field. If your field may contain Smith
at any position use

WHERE yourField LIKE '%Smith%'

Note that Stefan has given you the SQL-Server-compatible wild card character
'%'. If you are using an .mdb or .accdb file, then this is not the default
wild-card character. In that case, you would use '*' as the wild-card
character instead.

Dirk Goldgar

minnesotagirl said:
can I use this with a parameter query? How I format it?

For example,

FROM yourTable
WHERE yourField LIKE '*' & [Enter name:] & '*'

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