


I have several Access databases that I would like to be
able to query at the same time to look up a specific last
name. All my databases have Last Name as the first field
but I haven't used the key option.

Any help would be helpful.


John Vinson

I have several Access databases that I would like to be
able to query at the same time to look up a specific last
name. All my databases have Last Name as the first field
but I haven't used the key option.

Any help would be helpful.


Do you have several *DATABASES* - .mdb files which each can contain
multiple Tables, Forms, Reports, etc.? Or do you have several

And how do these tables differ? Having multiple tables with the same
structure is generally not a good design; how are your tables related,
if at all?

Finally, if you're using Last Name as a functional key (even though
you're not using it as a Primary Key) how will you deal with records
for Brown, Brown, Brown and Brown? (By the way, three of these people
are named Fred).

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