I have a small dilema. I want to be able to do a query based on data in the
main table as well as data in the linked repeating table. Lets say that I
want to query the Tradewinds database using Suppliers and Products form
example. Now I want to search by Company name, country, and if the product is
discontinued, which is in the repeating section. I added the discontinued
product field to the query box and did a search based on the country being
USA and discontinued being true. The query gave me the header info for all
four suppliers and the repeating table info for the one discontinued product.
How do I set up this program to only show the supplier data if the query
pulls data from the repeating table?
main table as well as data in the linked repeating table. Lets say that I
want to query the Tradewinds database using Suppliers and Products form
example. Now I want to search by Company name, country, and if the product is
discontinued, which is in the repeating section. I added the discontinued
product field to the query box and did a search based on the country being
USA and discontinued being true. The query gave me the header info for all
four suppliers and the repeating table info for the one discontinued product.
How do I set up this program to only show the supplier data if the query
pulls data from the repeating table?