Query as subform object / capture filter by form



I have a main form with a subform called "DynamicQuerySub". There is a
combo-box on the main form listing queries that the user can pick from. The
query selected is then set as the SourceObject for the subform. I also have a
button which exports the SourceObject of the DynamicQuerySub to excel.

What I would like to do is to take into account the functionality of the
"Filter By Selection" and/or "Filter By Form" options. If the user pulls up a
particular query and applies a filter to it to limit the output to a
particular ProductID, for example, I want the output-to-excel to match what
the user is seeing. That is, I want the output to take into account the
filter that the user applied. I do NOT want to output the entire query

I know that with Forms that are used as subforms you can use the
"Form.Filter" property to return the filter being applied:

strFilter = Me.DynamicQuerySub.Form.Filter

But that does not work when the source object is a query. Unfortunately, the
source object must be a query, because this needs to be flexible in case of a
new, user-built query that they want to output. I don't want the user to have
to build a subform for every new query.

My question, then, is how do I return or capture the filter being applied to
a query used as the source object in a subform?

Thanks for your help!

'69 Camaro

I know that with Forms that are used as subforms you can use the
"Form.Filter" property to return the filter being applied:

strFilter = Me.DynamicQuerySub.Form.Filter

But that does not work when the source object is a query.

One must use the name of the subform control, not the name of the subform.
Otherwise, this syntax works for me, but perhaps I'm using the Filter
Property differently or I'm using a different version of Access (2003) than
you are. In the following example, subFindings is the name of the subform
control, C:\Work is the directory to output the file to, and Results.csv is
the name of the output file.

Private Sub ExportDataBtn_Click()

On Error GoTo ErrHandler

Dim sName As String
Dim sqlStmt As String

sName = Replace(Me!subFindings.SourceObject, "Query.", "", 1, 1,
sqlStmt = "SELECT * " & _
"INTO [TEXT;HDR=TRUE;DATABASE=C:\Work\].Results.csv " & _
"FROM " & sName

If (Len(Me!subFindings.Form.Filter) > 0) Then
sqlStmt = sqlStmt & " WHERE " & Me!subFindings.Form.Filter
End If

CurrentDb().Execute sqlStmt, dbFailOnError

Exit Sub


MsgBox "Error in ExportDataBtn_Click( ) in " & vbCrLf & Me.Name & _
" form." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Error #" & Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description

End Sub


See http://www.QBuilt.com for all your database needs.
See http://www.Access.QBuilt.com for Microsoft Access tips.

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Hey, Gunny,

Thanks for the response. This is my problem, but I couldn't get signed on
during the day, so I had a friend post the question for me. Now that I'm
home, I can get signed on again. Go figure.

Anyway, the problem is a little different than what you answered. Let me lay
it out a little more clearly.

The main form is named "FlexReports". It has a combo-box populated by query
names that users have entered in a table, thereby "enabling" those queries
for use on the FlexReports form. Also on the FlexReports form is a subform
which has a query assigned as the source object. The subform object is named
DynamicQuerySub. When the user selects a query from the combo-box, the source
object of the subform is reset to that query. Thus, there is no form being
displayed in the subform control.

So, a user is using the combo-box to examine the data in a query. However,
they can use the Filter By Selection and Filter By Form options to limit what
they are looking at. So if they are looking at a particular query that
normally lists all productIDs, they could apply a filter to show only one
ProductID. In this case, I want my output to Excel to match what they are
looking at. However, if I output the basic query that they have Filtered, I
will output the entire dataset - including every ProductID. If I could get
the Filter that they are applying, I could open the Query with a " WHERE "
statement. The problem is, how do I get the Filter?

*If* a form had been used as the subform, then I know that the code:

strFilter = Me.DynamicQuerySub.Form.Filter

....would work. But because this is a query that they are looking at and
Filtering, I can't use the ...Form.Filter property. The SQL of the query is
not being altered by the Filter, so I can't test the QueryDef of the query
being displayed... I'm running out of ideas. :(

Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated!



Does anyone know if this is possible?

Can you capture the "Filter By Selection" and/or "Filter By Form" filters
that are being applied to a query that is being used as the object for a

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