I have DESPERATELY tried to figure this out. I have created a very big
query in Design view, the looked at the data in datasheet view, then
called it from vba to send it to a pdf. Unfortunately, the data in the
datasheet view and from within vba does not look the same. For some
reason, I get exponentials (these are calculated fields within the
query) which the pdf doesn't like. I have MANY fields, so I really
don't want to format each and every one within the code - besides - if
I was going to do that - I'd just have the query within the code.
Please help! The code is below.
Function MergeAndPrint(tableName As String, pdfPath As String,
prntrName As String)
Dim ofArray As Variant
Dim base As String
Dim xfdfFileName As String
Dim Rec As Integer
Dim hFile As Long
Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
If Dir(pdfPath) = "" Then
pdfPath = CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pdfPath
If Dir(pdfPath) = "" Then
MsgBox "ERROR - File Not Found: '" & pdfPath & "'"
Exit Function
End If
End If
ofArray = Split(pdfPath, ".", 2)
base = ofArray(0)
Debug.Print base
rst.Open tableName, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset,
firstJob = True
Rec = 1
If (rst!JMF_ID = Forms![Choose_JMF_Test_Contractor].cmbJMF_ID)
And _
(rst!Ignition_Marshall_ID =
Forms![Choose_JMF_Test_Contractor].CmbIgnitionMarshallID) Then
' this is where the field (some of them) end up with exponential
' MsgBox "dif8 is " & rst![dif8]
'-- Create filename (one for each input record)
xfdfFileName = base & "_" & Pad(Rec, 4) & ".xfdf"
Debug.Print "xfdfFileName=" & xfdfFileName
hFile = FreeFile
'-- Open output xfdf file
Open xfdfFileName For Output As hFile
'-- Write xfdf header
Print #hFile, "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"
Print #hFile, "<xfdf xmlns='http://ns.adobe.com/xfdf/'
Print #hFile, "<fields>"
'-- Dump each field of the record to the output file in
xfdf format
For Each fld In rst.Fields
Print #hFile, "<field name='" & fld.Name & "'>"
Print #hFile, "<value>" & fld.Value & "</value>"
Print #hFile, "</field>"
'-- Write xfdf footer
Print #hFile, "</fields>"
Print #hFile, "<f href='" & pdfPath & "' />"
Print #hFile, "</xfdf>"
Close #hFile
'-- Merge and print the record
PrintPDF xfdfFileName, pdfPath, prntrName
Debug.Print ""
End If
Rec = Rec + 1
Loop Until rst.EOF
End Function
query in Design view, the looked at the data in datasheet view, then
called it from vba to send it to a pdf. Unfortunately, the data in the
datasheet view and from within vba does not look the same. For some
reason, I get exponentials (these are calculated fields within the
query) which the pdf doesn't like. I have MANY fields, so I really
don't want to format each and every one within the code - besides - if
I was going to do that - I'd just have the query within the code.
Please help! The code is below.
Function MergeAndPrint(tableName As String, pdfPath As String,
prntrName As String)
Dim ofArray As Variant
Dim base As String
Dim xfdfFileName As String
Dim Rec As Integer
Dim hFile As Long
Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
If Dir(pdfPath) = "" Then
pdfPath = CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pdfPath
If Dir(pdfPath) = "" Then
MsgBox "ERROR - File Not Found: '" & pdfPath & "'"
Exit Function
End If
End If
ofArray = Split(pdfPath, ".", 2)
base = ofArray(0)
Debug.Print base
rst.Open tableName, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset,
firstJob = True
Rec = 1
If (rst!JMF_ID = Forms![Choose_JMF_Test_Contractor].cmbJMF_ID)
And _
(rst!Ignition_Marshall_ID =
Forms![Choose_JMF_Test_Contractor].CmbIgnitionMarshallID) Then
' this is where the field (some of them) end up with exponential
' MsgBox "dif8 is " & rst![dif8]
'-- Create filename (one for each input record)
xfdfFileName = base & "_" & Pad(Rec, 4) & ".xfdf"
Debug.Print "xfdfFileName=" & xfdfFileName
hFile = FreeFile
'-- Open output xfdf file
Open xfdfFileName For Output As hFile
'-- Write xfdf header
Print #hFile, "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"
Print #hFile, "<xfdf xmlns='http://ns.adobe.com/xfdf/'
Print #hFile, "<fields>"
'-- Dump each field of the record to the output file in
xfdf format
For Each fld In rst.Fields
Print #hFile, "<field name='" & fld.Name & "'>"
Print #hFile, "<value>" & fld.Value & "</value>"
Print #hFile, "</field>"
'-- Write xfdf footer
Print #hFile, "</fields>"
Print #hFile, "<f href='" & pdfPath & "' />"
Print #hFile, "</xfdf>"
Close #hFile
'-- Merge and print the record
PrintPDF xfdfFileName, pdfPath, prntrName
Debug.Print ""
End If
Rec = Rec + 1
Loop Until rst.EOF
End Function