Query conditions failing in Excel connection



I have a query stored in Access 2007 that populates a sheet in Excel 2007.
The query has two limits, Not Like *track* for a part description and a Is
Not Null on a transaction number.

When I run this query in Access, the recordset produced is correct, both the
limits are in place; however, that same query, when refreshed through a
connection in Excel, will return the recordset with only the Is Not Null

I can copy and paste the data out of Access into the same Excel workbook and
verify that the limit was not used.

What causes this, and how can I correct it?

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Lord Kelvan

i dont know if you are using this tool but you should try using
msquery it will allow you to directally query your db via excel there
you can set your conditions and what not


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