Matt Dawson
I currently have a query with the following SQL:
SELECT [Non-Acceptance].[Request ID], [Non-Acceptance].[First Name],
[Non-Acceptance].Surname, [Non-Acceptance].[Invoiced?],
[Non-Acceptance].[Agent ID] AS [Assigned To], [Non-Acceptance].[Serial ID],
[Non-Acceptance].Country, IIf(IsNull(IP.[Serial ID]),'N','Y') AS IP,
IIf(IsNull(PO.[Serial ID]),'N','Y') AS PO, [Non-Acceptance].[Customer Problem]
FROM PO RIGHT JOIN (IP RIGHT JOIN [Non-Acceptance] ON IP.[Serial ID] =
[Non-Acceptance].[Serial ID]) ON PO.[Serial ID] = [Non-Acceptance].[Serial ID]
WHERE (((IIf(IsNull([IP].[Serial ID]),'N','Y'))="Y")) OR
(((IIf(IsNull([PO].[Serial ID]),'N','Y'))="Y"));
I also need to filter by assigned to so that the query only shows the blank
Agent ID's and not those that have been assigned (Assigned To: Agent ID).
However, when I enter No into this criteria it cuts out more records than it
should and brings up only those records with a N in the IP field.
Does anyone know how to make this work?
Many Thanks,
SELECT [Non-Acceptance].[Request ID], [Non-Acceptance].[First Name],
[Non-Acceptance].Surname, [Non-Acceptance].[Invoiced?],
[Non-Acceptance].[Agent ID] AS [Assigned To], [Non-Acceptance].[Serial ID],
[Non-Acceptance].Country, IIf(IsNull(IP.[Serial ID]),'N','Y') AS IP,
IIf(IsNull(PO.[Serial ID]),'N','Y') AS PO, [Non-Acceptance].[Customer Problem]
FROM PO RIGHT JOIN (IP RIGHT JOIN [Non-Acceptance] ON IP.[Serial ID] =
[Non-Acceptance].[Serial ID]) ON PO.[Serial ID] = [Non-Acceptance].[Serial ID]
WHERE (((IIf(IsNull([IP].[Serial ID]),'N','Y'))="Y")) OR
(((IIf(IsNull([PO].[Serial ID]),'N','Y'))="Y"));
I also need to filter by assigned to so that the query only shows the blank
Agent ID's and not those that have been assigned (Assigned To: Agent ID).
However, when I enter No into this criteria it cuts out more records than it
should and brings up only those records with a N in the IP field.
Does anyone know how to make this work?
Many Thanks,