Query data charting in report



Hi. I'm wondering how to chart data in Access where I essentially have 2
graphs in one- a bar chart and a line chart. In Excel there would be a series

I'd appreciate any charting tips!

Duane Hookom

You can double-click the chart in design view to get at and set properties of
objects including the Chart Type of the data series. You can also set the
Primary or Secondary axis (left or right Y axis).


Thanks Duane.
I am able to open the chart in design view. But can't see where to set the
secondary axis.

Also, in Excel I might highlight columns A (dept) and C (incident $) and
make a bar chart of $ lost. And then highlight columns A (dept) and B
(incident count) and make a line chart (that would have a secondary access)
of number of incidents.

How would I do this in Access?


Duane Hookom

In the chart design, select the series. Then right-click to view some short
cuts. The properties dialog includes the Primary/Secondary axis option group.

The Chart's Row Source determines what columns (data series) are plotted.

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