Hello, I have used this before to find out what is in LIst A that's not in
LIST B. It is not working this time.
SELECT ex_VehicleInventory.[is unique?], ex_VehicleInventory.[Is good
length?], ex_VehicleInventory.Sequence, ex_VehicleInventory.[Full VIN
Number], ex_VehicleInventory.[Tag No#], ex_VehicleInventory.[Model Year],
ex_VehicleInventory.Program, ex_VehicleInventory.[Build Phase],
ex_VehicleInventory.[Manager CDSID], ex_VehicleInventory.Fuel,
ex_VehicleInventory.[In Service], ex_VehicleInventory.[Out of Service Date],
ex_VehicleInventory.[Disposition Method], "ERROR - These vehicles are not
labeled as part of an approved program." AS MSG
FROM ex_VehicleInventory INNER JOIN t_ProgMY ON (ex_VehicleInventory.[Model
Year] = t_ProgMY.ModelYear) AND (ex_VehicleInventory.Program =
WHERE (((ex_VehicleInventory.[Full VIN Number])<>"") AND
((t_ProgMY.ProgramName) Is Null) AND ((t_ProgMY.ModelYear) Is Null));
Here's the high lights because it's a lot of emptiness there.
I want to know what Program/Model Year Combos are in ex_vehinv are NOT in
t_ProgMY. I also don't want it to return any records in ex_vehiINv that have
a blank, "", Empty VIN field.
And then I want to return every column in ex_vehInv that's why there are so
many selects.
Access 2003 on XP Pro.
Thank you. I tried to copy methodology from a wonderful answer I got to a
previous post but it did not work.
Thanks again.
LIST B. It is not working this time.
SELECT ex_VehicleInventory.[is unique?], ex_VehicleInventory.[Is good
length?], ex_VehicleInventory.Sequence, ex_VehicleInventory.[Full VIN
Number], ex_VehicleInventory.[Tag No#], ex_VehicleInventory.[Model Year],
ex_VehicleInventory.Program, ex_VehicleInventory.[Build Phase],
ex_VehicleInventory.[Manager CDSID], ex_VehicleInventory.Fuel,
ex_VehicleInventory.[In Service], ex_VehicleInventory.[Out of Service Date],
ex_VehicleInventory.[Disposition Method], "ERROR - These vehicles are not
labeled as part of an approved program." AS MSG
FROM ex_VehicleInventory INNER JOIN t_ProgMY ON (ex_VehicleInventory.[Model
Year] = t_ProgMY.ModelYear) AND (ex_VehicleInventory.Program =
WHERE (((ex_VehicleInventory.[Full VIN Number])<>"") AND
((t_ProgMY.ProgramName) Is Null) AND ((t_ProgMY.ModelYear) Is Null));
Here's the high lights because it's a lot of emptiness there.
I want to know what Program/Model Year Combos are in ex_vehinv are NOT in
t_ProgMY. I also don't want it to return any records in ex_vehiINv that have
a blank, "", Empty VIN field.
And then I want to return every column in ex_vehInv that's why there are so
many selects.
Access 2003 on XP Pro.
Thank you. I tried to copy methodology from a wonderful answer I got to a
previous post but it did not work.
Thanks again.