I have an Access 2000 DB that houses the information relating to my 400+ employees, such as name, address, references, work history, schedule & dates worked, and training records. I have each of these areas defined as a subform relating the ContactID of my main form. I have 12 training modules listed in a subform & I want to see who needs all 12.
I tried to create a simple query (in query design mode, as I do not know VB) that would return the results of the employees who need a specific training module. In the subform, I use a check box to show if they have completed the training module so I used the criteria [No] without the brackets to find an unchecked box in my Query. I did this for each module. I also added a column that would return the data from the main form so I could tell the records apart.
The result was far less records than I expected and there were specific records that I know should have been returned that were not. Also, duplicate records were returned for the same person. I check the main table though & there is not a duplicate in the main table.
Does anyone know why I would get this result or is there something I am doing wrong. Is there another way I should come at this. Please help.
I tried to create a simple query (in query design mode, as I do not know VB) that would return the results of the employees who need a specific training module. In the subform, I use a check box to show if they have completed the training module so I used the criteria [No] without the brackets to find an unchecked box in my Query. I did this for each module. I also added a column that would return the data from the main form so I could tell the records apart.
The result was far less records than I expected and there were specific records that I know should have been returned that were not. Also, duplicate records were returned for the same person. I check the main table though & there is not a duplicate in the main table.
Does anyone know why I would get this result or is there something I am doing wrong. Is there another way I should come at this. Please help.