I apologize for taking so long to get this to you. The SQL statement of the old query is below. Let me know what you think.
SELECT tblYdstckTechInfoRelevance.ClassID AS ID, tblClasses.ClassTitle AS Title, tblYardstick.LocationID, tblLocation.LocationName AS Location, tblYdstckTechInfoRelevance.TieIn AS TieIn, tblYdstckTechInfoRelevance.ProgramNo AS Prog, tblYdstckTechInfoRelevance.TechInfoID AS [Q#], tblYdstckCriteriaTechInfo.TechInfoRelatedProgram AS Q, tblYdstckTechInfoRelevance.YNL AS [Value], tblYardstickYesNo.YNL AS YNL
FROM tblYdstckCriteriaTechInfo INNER JOIN ((tblYardstickYesNo INNER JOIN (tblYdstckTechInfoRelevance INNER JOIN tblClasses ON tblYdstckTechInfoRelevance.ClassID = tblClasses.ClassID) ON tblYardstickYesNo.ID = tblYdstckTechInfoRelevance.YNL) INNER JOIN (tblLocation RIGHT JOIN tblYardstick ON tblLocation.LocationID = tblYardstick.LocationID.Value) ON (tblYdstckTechInfoRelevance.ProgramRelTechInfoID = tblYardstick.ProgramRelevTechInfoID.Value) AND (tblClasses.ClassID = tblYardstick.ClassID)) ON tblYdstckCriteriaTechInfo.TechInfoRelatedProgramID = tblYdstckTechInfoRelevance.TechInfoID
ORDER BY tblYdstckTechInfoRelevance.TechInfoID;
Thank you,
Jeff Boyce wrote:
Please post the SQL statement of the (old) query.
Please post the SQL statement of the (old) query
I suspect "changed some data in the source tables" actually means "change
some fields..." (and not the data contained therein)
Changing field contents should not affect the query
Changing field definitions (e.g., adding new fields) could ..
Show us the SQL..
Jeff Boyc
Microsoft Access MV
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