Query doesn't work after saving it!



I have a query that used to work. Now I get this error

"Type mismatch in expression"

If I copy the SQL syntax to a new query and execute it,
it works fine. As soon as I save the query, I get the
error message again! Also, if I go to the query that has
a problem, and make any change (marking the query as
needing saved) then it works until I save it again.

Has anyone ever seen this? I am using:

Microsoft Access 2000 (9.0.3821 SR-1) on XP.


I also discovered that my report that accesses this query
works fine, even though I can't launch the query w/o
getting the error message!

Jeff Boyce


We're not there, so we can't see "the error message". If I told you "my
vehicle doesn't run", where would you start...?

More info, please...

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>


-----Original Message-----

We're not there, so we can't see "the error message". If I told you "my
vehicle doesn't run", where would you start...?

More info, please...

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

Jeff, I just assumed that you could see the main topic of
the reply that you read. Here it is with my reply at the

I have a query that used to work. Now I get this error

"Type mismatch in expression"

If I copy the SQL syntax to a new query and execute it,
it works fine. As soon as I save the query, I get the
error message again! Also, if I go to the query that has
a problem, and make any change (marking the query as
needing saved) then it works until I save it again.

Has anyone ever seen this? I am using:

Microsoft Access 2000 (9.0.3821 SR-1) on XP.

Subject: Query doesn't work after saving it!
From: "Mark" <[email protected]>
Sent: 10/29/2003 1:22:24 PM

I also discovered that my report that accesses this query
works fine, even though I can't launch the query w/o
getting the error message!

Jeff Boyce


Have you searched a Google.com or in MS' Knowledge Base? (I haven't heard
of this one before.)

Good luck

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

(In my newsgroup reader, I only found the "Query doesn't work..." and
"...the error message". Thanks for the more complete description.)

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