Query Expression or Criteria?




I have a query that baisically is used to build a report
for me to give clients a summary of the assets they own.

I have a table called Asset Type which is my query and one
of the fields is called Letter and contains a letter of
the alphabet. I need to somehow do some sort of if
statement (I assume) where if for example it is the
letter "O" then display the asset type field from another
table called Misc.

But I only need the asset types to be displayed for
certain letters, I want the rest of the letters to be
displayed as normal without asset types. Note: All assets
have an asset num and thats what ties all the assets

Any ideas on what would be the best way to do this?


Do you have a way of linking the table Misc and the table
Asset Type in your query? Is there a field that is in both


Yes, Asset_Num is both tables..
-----Original Message-----
Do you have a way of linking the table Misc and the table
Asset Type in your query? Is there a field that is in both

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