query for calculations within fields`


yolanda jonck

I really need urgent help

I have different fields called:
Broker ClientID premium commission brokerfee

I need a formula to calculate the numbers in the last
three fields then i also need another field for the total
of the brokerfee and commission. At last i need a formula
to do the calculations since there is more that one broker
and i need to calculate each separately

I would really appreciate any help. Please e-mail any
suggestions asap.

Yolanda Jonck
([email protected])

Jeff Boyce


You've posted in a .queries newsgroup, described output (?) you wish, and
asked how you can calculate some of the values.

Without some idea of the inputs, any formula/method for calculating outputs
would only be a guess... What is your data structure?

More info, please...

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

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