Create a query that gives the yearly totals.
Then join 2 copies of this query to match this year's and last year's
1. In query design view, depress the Total button on the Toolbar.
Access adds a Total row to the grid.
2. In a fresh column in the Field row, enter:
TheYear: Year([shipdate])
Accept Group By in the Total row.
(We will assume shipdate is a required field, so cannot be null.)
3. In the Total row under OSt and OCity, accept Group By.
Under the amount columns, choose Sum.
This gives you the figures for each year.
Save the query as (say) qryOriginByYear.
4. Create a new query using qryOriginByYear as an input "table."
Add a 2nd copy of qryOriginByYear.
Access will alias the the 2nd one as qryOriginByYear_1.
In the Properties box, change the alias to (say) PriorYear.
5. In the upper pane of query design, join the 2 copies of the query on the
fields OSt, OCity, and TheYear. Now change these to outer joins, by
double-clicking each of the 3 join lines in turn, and choosing:
All records from qryOriginByYear, and any matches from PriorYear.
6. Drag the fields you want from both tables into the grid.
(After step 7, you won't be able to edit graphically any more.)
7. Switch to SQL View. (View menu.)
Edit the FROM clause.
It will look like this:
FROM qryOriginByYear LEFT JOIN qryOriginByYear AS PriorYear
ON ...
And ...
And qryOriginByYear.TheYear = PriorYear.TheYear
Change the 3rd part of the join to:
And qryOriginByYear.TheYear = PriorYear.TheYear - 1
At this point, you will not be able to switch back to Design view, since
Access can't display non-equi joins graphically.
Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia
Tips for Access users -
Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.
ost ocity dst dcity shipdate paid amt transport amt
A B C D 1/1/07 7888 777
E F G H 2/3/07 733 887
I J K L 4/5/08 998 756
A B M N 5/1/08 778 697
E F S T 9/1/08 877 345
A B O Q 1/2/07 20 10
ost ocity sumoftransportamt(2007)
sumoftransportamt(2008) sumofpaidamt(2007) sumofpaidamt(08)
697 7908 778
345 877 733
i want to calculate the sum of paid amt and transport amt for every
origin(ost and ocity) and then compare the totals across two years 07
and 08.
can this be done using a single query- SQL ? what would be a single
SQL statement?
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