Query for existence of table

  • Thread starter Microsoft Newsgroups
  • Start date

Microsoft Newsgroups

Hi all,

What sort of SQL query could be used in an Access database to determine the
existence of a table? I can do this in SQL server by looking at
sysobjects - but how does one do it in Access? I have an application that
needs to check to see if a table exists and, if not, create it on-the-fly.



Todos Menos [MSFT]

create procedure sphappy
if exists (select name from sysobjects where id =
drop table mytable

Arvin Meyer [MVP]

MsysObjects is the system table you are looking for.

For a table named tblMyData, you might try:

Select MSysObjects.Name
From MSysObjects
Where Name = "tblMyData" And Type = 1;

CREATE TABLE is the same syntax in Access as SQL-Server, but you don't use
DROP TABLE or you'll actually delete all the data as well as the definition.

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