Query for householding same address



I am working with a large database (450K+ names) in
Access 2002. I need to household the addresses of the
same last name, but displayed with the two different
first names, e.g., Bob and Betty Whoever. I am a novice,
so it will need to be simple. My OS is Windows XP Prof.

Michel Walsh


Assuming your table is like:

FullName, Address ' fields names


1- Create a table to get the result

DROP tempTable; ' to be sure the temporary table does not exist

SELECT Address, iif( False, " ", Null) As Concat INTO tempTable FROM
myTable GROUP BY Address;

2- Push the data into the temp table

UPDATE tempTable INNER JOIN myTable
ON tempTable.Address=myTable.Address
SET tempTable.Concat=( tempTable.Concat + " and ") & myTable.FullName ;

3- Your data is now in table tempTable.

Where do you type that? in fact, make 3 queries ( the DROP, the SELECT INTO
and the UPDATE query) and run them one after the other, as required.

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

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