I created the query and in the tagexpiration field criteria I inserted the
Between [tagexpiration] And DateAdd("m",1,[tagexpiration])
The above criteria gave me all tagexpirations in the table.
I'm assuming in the criteria you gave me I was suppose to enter the field
name where Date() was listed. Apparently, this was not correct?
When I entered the criteria as you provided I didn't get any records, I
sure there were records that had the tagexpiration date for at least
and also 04/2007 but still no records returned.
The tagexpiration date is not a calculated field.
BruceM said:
I don't understand your question. You have a date field (I will call it
ExpDate). When you make a query based on the table containing ExpDate,
you put the criteria I provided into ExpDate, the query will return only
those records with an expiration date (that is, the date in the ExpDate
field) that is between today and a month from today.
Is ExpDate a calculated field?
Thanks for the info. It did work but my problem is that for each month
separate records are entered on each vehicle. When the query shows the
results it will show expiration dates from the previous years where the
had expired before. Any suggestions on how to only search for the most
recent tag expiration date?
Build a query based on the table. Set the criteria in the date field:
Between Date() And DateAdd("m",1,Date())
This will filter for just those records where the expiration date is
today and a month from today. See Help for more information about
You could use the query as the Record Source for a form or report.
I was mistaken on my explanation previously. The field in table1 is
tagexpiration (for when the tag is due renewal), not when the tag