Query form



Hi -

Just wanted to know if I doing this the correct way. My user wants a form
which they will enter a item number from table A. A desc also from table A
will be displayed.

Item:xxxxx desc:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

There is a one to many relationship with table B based upon the item number.
They would like to see associate data from this:

Item Quanity Unit etc.
yyyy yyyyy yyy yyy
yyyy yyy yyy
yyyy yyyyy yyy yyy
yyyy yyy yyy

Okay so here is where I am at: I placed Item and Desc (from table A) in the
header record and the table B data in the detail record.

I would like the data in Table B to be display only (can that be done?)
I would like all of the matching data to be displayed at one time (can be
from 1 to n rows).
I was going to create a button near table A and to clear the entire form and
execute a find (am I on the right track)?

Is there a better way to do this? I am a little lost with this one.




You've got me confused with your terminology. This is in the forms section,
but you are using Header and Detail which sounds like a report. You want it
to be read-only which sounds like a form.

Assuming this is a form that you want.
I'd create a form with a sub-form. When using the wizard, select all fields
from both Table A and Table B which you need as well as the linking field(s)
in both tables. During the wizard it will ask How You Want to View Your Data.
You'll choose by item.

When you complete the form, you can go into design view and change the
properties for each text box in the subform. The properties you will want to
play with are Locked and Enabled to make the field Read-Only.

With this done you can do a Ctrl-F (or Edit>Find) in the item number field
on the main form to locate the item. You could add a button to the form for
the find, but isn't necessary.

James Deckert

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