Query from a list of choices



Hi all,
My data base is about Equipment and their failures, date, spare part used,
etc. I need to create a query (actually a report) where I can retrieve the
information related to one equipment in particular whithout having the query
asking me to type the Equipment? I want to be able to select from a drop
down list or so, I have my available equipment in another table to choose
from. Similar funcionality that is used when in a Form a field is filled from
a Combobox or a List.

Thanks, I'll appreciate the help


Cesar said:
Hi all,
My data base is about Equipment and their failures, date, spare part used,
etc. I need to create a query (actually a report) where I can retrieve the
information related to one equipment in particular whithout having the query
asking me to type the Equipment? I want to be able to select from a drop
down list or so, I have my available equipment in another table to choose
from. Similar funcionality that is used when in a Form a field is filled from
a Combobox or a List.

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You can reference the ComboBox in the query like this:

PARAMETERS Form!FormName!ComboBoxName Long;
SELECT equipment_id, equipment_name, <other columns>
FROM table_name
WHERE equipment_id = Form!FormName!ComboBoxName

Substitute your data type for the ComboBox value: Text, Integer, etc.
Substitute your column and table names where necessary.

MGFoster:::mgf00 <at> earthlink <decimal-point> net
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