Query Functions


alison a

My query functions ie(LEN, LEFT, MID) etc have stopped
working. I get compiler errors. I tried repairing office,
getting the latest Access service pack and Jet engine
updates. Problem will not resolve. Any suggestions would
be appreciated.

Thank you

John Vinson

My query functions ie(LEN, LEFT, MID) etc have stopped
working. I get compiler errors. I tried repairing office,
getting the latest Access service pack and Jet engine
updates. Problem will not resolve. Any suggestions would
be appreciated.

Thank you
This appears to be the very common References bug. Open any
module in design view, or open the VBA editor by typing
Ctrl-G. Select Tools... References from the menu. One of the
..DLL files required by Access will probably be marked
MISSING. Uncheck it, recheck it, close and open Access.

If none are MISSING, check any reference; close and open
Access; then uncheck it again. This will force Access to
relink the libraries.

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